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Mia Nha Trang



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The elegant website transformation of a 5-star luxury beach resort

Mia Nha Trang is not just any beach resort; it’s an embodiment of luxury, relaxation, and the quintessential vibes of the serene Nha Trang shores. However, their previous website failed to mirror this grandeur and posed operational challenges for the marketing team. Recognizing the need for a digital platform that harmonizes with their brand while offering ease of use, Mia Nha Trang turned to us for a solution.

The Challenge

Two primary issues plagued Mia Nha Trang’s original website:

  • Misaligned Brand Representation: While the resort itself exuded luxury and offered unparalleled experiences, their online presence did not reflect this. The old design, although functional, failed to capture the essence and allure of Mia Nha Trang’s pristine beachfront property and world-class amenities.
  • Content Management Hurdles: For any luxury brand, timely updates and content management are crucial. The previous site design was not only challenging for visitors to navigate but also for the marketing team to manage. The inability to easily edit content became a significant bottleneck, hindering marketing campaigns and updates crucial for a dynamic luxury resort.

The Stylescape Process

Before diving into the design phase, it was crucial for us to capture the essence, luxury, and tranquility that Mia Nha Trang exudes. To achieve this, we developed a stylescape—a visual representation combining color palettes, typography, imagery, and design elements that resonated with the brand’s ethos. This stylescape served as a roadmap, ensuring that every design decision echoed the opulence and serenity of the resort.

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The Mia Nha Trang homepage is designed as a welcoming gateway to the resort’s luxury offerings. Visitors are first met with an immersive visual banner, evoking immediate allure. This flows seamlessly into a showcase of diverse accommodations from grand 5-bedroom residences to charming rooms & villas, and enticing previews of the resort’s top-notch F&B outlets. As they scroll, guests are tempted by the spa’s relaxing offerings and are finally introduced to the resort’s crowning event service: destination weddings. The layout is a carefully curated journey, ensuring both ease of navigation and a taste of the luxury Mia Nha Trang provides.

Browser Bar
03 Miant Homepage


We crafted two layouts for Mia Nha Trang’s accommodations. The first highlights the exclusivity of their luxury 5-bedroom residence, while the second captures the charm of their other rooms and villas. Each layout is tailored to provide visitors a clear glimpse of the respective stay experience.

Both templates, though unique in presentation, share a consistent structure to ensure familiarity for returning visitors. They begin with a concise room description to set the ambiance, followed by a detailed list of room features, ensuring potential guests are aware of all the amenities. A gallery section provides a visual tour, helping visitors picture themselves in the space, and the latest offers section presents enticing deals to prompt bookings. Lastly, in a strategic move to enhance user engagement and improve internal linking, each page concludes with suggestions for other rooms or residences, guiding visitors to explore the full range of Mia Nha Trang’s accommodations.

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05 Miant Accommodation

Wine & Dine

Recognizing the resort’s location away from the town’s main hub, we emphasized the significance of Mia Nha Trang’s F&B outlets to ensure guests feel catered to and comfortable throughout their stay. Each outlet, though distinct in its offerings, shares a unified design template. This template presents a concise description to set the ambiance, opening hours to plan visits, accessible menus to tempt the palate, and a straightforward booking form for reservations. Additionally, a gallery offers a visual preview of the dining experience, while special offers spotlight exclusive deals. Unique activities specific to each restaurant are also highlighted. Importantly, this design is built for adaptability, with flexible elements that can be easily toggled on or off, ensuring the content remains fresh and relevant.

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Spa & Wellness

The Spa & Wellness page showcases the spa’s holistic approach to well-being with calming visuals and concise descriptions of treatments. The page provides potential guests with a glimpse of the tranquil experiences awaiting them, encouraging reservations and setting the stage for an unparalleled retreat.

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Boutique Wedding

Mia Nha Trang’s wedding page captures the enchantment of beachfront nuptials, offering couples a preview of their once-in-a-lifetime union amidst the resort’s stunning backdrop

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Responsive Version

In today’s digital age, travelers frequently turn to their mobile devices for trip planning and information browsing. Recognizing this, the Mia Nha Trang website has been meticulously crafted to be fully responsive. Whether on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, users are met with a seamless and intuitive browsing experience.

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  • A Web Experience as Luxurious as the Resort: The revamped website now elegantly showcases the resort’s unique offerings.
  • Empowering the Marketing Team: At the core of our redesign strategy was the idea of simplifying content management. The new website is powered by an intuitive content management system, tailor-made to address the unique requirements of the Mia Nha Trang team. Now, the marketing team can effortlessly update content, launch campaigns, and engage with their audience seamlessly.
  • Reception and Analytics: Post-launch, the website witnessed a surge in visitor engagement and a significant reduction in bounce rates. Furthermore, the marketing team reported a marked improvement in their operational efficiency.